Alexander’s Automotive has been around since 1996 and serving the community with the highest quality of customer service and professionalism by staying up to date on new techniques and certifications. We are locally owned and operated. We offer the best service by having bilingual staff who are also constantly going for training on how to better serve our customers. What makes us different is we love to provide pictures and videos for each customer to better educate them on their vehicle’s needs. We always facilitate and personalize our customer service to each individual’s need to make sure we exceed your standard and satisfaction. We always want to strive be better than yesterday and our staff are ready to greet and meet you. Alexander received his AMI AMAM (Acrredited Master Automotive Management) and ASE Master Automobile Technician, L-1, A-9, X-1, P-2, G-1,C-1, ASE Collision and Medium heavy truck technician. Let us prove you our credentials and you will be the Judge.
Right on the Corner between First Street and Hillside.
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