Saturday Sep 7, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Members: $136
Non-Members: $160
Includes lunch and training.
Anna Tiemann
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POSTPONED: Foundations of Differential Setup
in-person training with Kevin Leiby
Are you tired of sending your differential work down the road, or frustrated with the challenge of finding a shop that can repair or rebuild differentials for you or your customers in a timely manner?
Keep this lucrative business in your shop!
Whether you are faced with working on an Eaton, Dana or Ford Differential, there are key fundamentals that are key practices to be applied leading to a successful and lasting repair.
Join us as we dive into the processes of rebuilding or setting up differentials, regardless of the manufacturer.
Learn how to properly determine Pinion depth and preload, Carrier service and proper preload of carrier bearings, Setting Ring and Pinion Backlash and learn to analyze wear patterns on the load and coast sides of the Ring Gear.
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