Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST
Enterprise Rent A Car
2281 Ball Drive
Maryland Heights, MO 63146
Members & Non-Members: Free
Anna Tiemann
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Estimating Class
with Mark Probst and Tim Paap
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Handling Non-Repairable Claims
Have you ever tracked every minute you spent handling a Total Loss Claim? What if I told you, it's not uncommon to spend 10-20 hours or more handling a total loss claim. This class teaches you how to document every step of a non-repairable vehicle and how to properly bill for your time.
Advanced Estimating - Front End Damage Analysis
We take one of the most basic repairs and show you how to write a proper estimate using your Estimating System, P-Pages, OEM Repair Documentation, and other beneficial Software Programs to write the most advanced estimate have increased $200-300 per estimate after taking this class.
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